Contact Us

Department Chair: Dr. Reimund Leicht

Advisor to BA Students: Prof. Benjamin Pollock

Advisor to MA Students: Dr. Tanja Werthmann

Department Secretary: Maya Ben-Simhon
Phone: +972-2-5883605
Humanities Building, Room 45402

Prof. Arnold I. Davidson will be visiting the Department for Jewish Thought in 2020-2021

22 July, 2019

Prof. Arnold I. Davidson

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Humanities Researcher Page:


Research interests: Modern and Contemporary Jewish Philosophy, including the philosophy of Modern Orthodox Judaism (Rav Soloveitchik, Rav Lichtenstein, and others), and the relationship between French philosophy and Jewish Thought (Jacob Gordin, Léon Askénazi, Emmanuel Lévinas, Vladimir Jankélévitch, and others); Historical, Literary, Philosophical and Theological Dimensions of the Shoah; The tradition of spiritual exercises (exercises of self-formation and self-transformation) in the history of philosophy and the history of Judaism